Hormonal Harmony

A BEGINNER’S Guide to Optimal Well-being Through Menstrual Cycle Awareness

What if I told you that you have the ability to be more powerful and more effective in all areas of your life by simply understanding, aligning and optimizing your menstrual cycle.

We’ve been told to believe that our menstrual cycle is a curse and we just have to ‘deal’ with it rather than celebrate and embrace it (and quite frankly - use it to our advantage).

Imagine unleashing your creativity, increasing your energy, enhancing your productivity, mastering time management, strengthening your relationships, and most importantly - be a better [woman, wife, mom, friend] all by understanding HOW to align to each phase of your cycle.

Pretty freakin’ awesome right?!

Consider this guide the first building block of knowledge. We will explore the four phases of your menstrual cycle and how they impact every aspect of your well-being.

This guide is designed to empower you with baseline knowledge and practical simple strategies you can start implementing.