Manifest Your Dream Life: How to Use Your Vision Board for Goal Setting

Alright girl, let’s talk manifesting your ‘dream life’ (or as I like to call it - creating more of what you want in life). On today’s blog, we are going to delve into the basics of vision boards and goal setting. Pour yourself a cup of coffee (or tea), snuggle up in your favorite chair, and read on!

The concept of ‘manifesting’ is a concept that aligns with the Law of Attraction which suggests that positive thoughts and intentions attract positive experiences and outcomes. While this concept is motivating and IMO bomb AF, you aren’t going to create more of what you want in life by just manifesting. PERIOD. 

Manifesting alone is just one piece to the puzzle. There are other key concepts and things you need to do IN ORDER to truly manifest and realize your ‘dream life’ (create more of what you want in life). We are just going to touch on two of those concepts in this post.

Crafting Your Vision

The first piece to manifesting your dream life is starting with crafting your vision. What do you want to achieve in 1-year, 3-years, and 5-years? What are your big goals? How do you want to show up? Who is the woman you aspire to be? 

Once you get clear on your vision, creating a vision board is the first step in the process. A vision board is like a collage of your dreams and aspirations. It's a collection of images, quotes, and anything that resonates with your goals.It's like having your dreams right in front of you on a daily basis. You can read more about the science behind vision boards HERE.

By creating your vision board, you are visualizing your goals which can help you stay focused and motivated. It can be a useful tool for maintaining a clear picture of your desired outcomes. 

I recommend creating your vision board electronically in Canva. That way you can easily display it as wallpaper on your phone or computer and print it off. If you haven't already, grab my free vision board template that you can edit in Canva.

Setting Tangible Goals

The second piece to the puzzle is establishing your ‘roadmap’. Manifestation is often associated with setting clear goals and intentions. Setting clear goals based on your vision board and breaking goals into goal producing actions is a process that can help you clarify what you truly desire and work toward it with purpose. It’s your roadmap to achieve your vision. 

For example, if one of your goals is to run a marathon in your 1-year vision - here’s how to break down that goal:

Image on vision board: Running Shoes, Photo of a marathon you actually want to run in

Big Goal: Run Marathon


  • Identify and Register for marathon

  • Identify marathon training plan

  • Run daily (i.e. at least 5 miles per day)

  • Run a 5k, then 10k race prior to the marathon

Setting tangible goals is crucial for achieving the aspirations you have on your vision board. Think of your vision board as the ‘what’ and your roadmap (goals) as the ‘how’

It’s all within your reach

Vision boards are like the magic wands of goal setting. They help you define your goals, attract positivity, and keep your dreams in sight. Whether you want to travel the world, start a business, or just be the best version of yourself, your vision board can take you there.

While vision boards might look like nothing more than an artsy collage, there's real scientific evidence to back their effectiveness in achieving success. By engaging your brain's visualization centers, setting clear goals, and embracing positive psychology principles, vision boards can genuinely help you make your dreams a reality. So, if you haven't already, get access to my free Vision Board and Goal Setting for Success 101 Mini-course!

resources and tools

Resources, Tools, OH MY!

Check-out resources and tools I offer ambitious women (like yourself) that support you in every facet of your life. Go ahead, peruse around (you know you want to)…

Vision board and goal setting online course

Unlock your potential and create a life of purpose and abundance

The game-changing Vision Board and Goal Setting for Success Masterclass is your complete and transformative content course designed exclusively for ambitious women like you to get clear on your purpose, craft your vision, and establish a concrete path with actionable steps to create more of what you want in life.


7 Step Quick Start Guide to Designing the Perfect Vision Board for Unlimited Success


Unlock Your Potential: The Role of Vision Boards in Reaching your Next Level of Growth